Janice Hewitt February 26, 2018

Gift Giving, Just Because - BYDEAU’s Next Chapter

For BYDEAU founder, Jennifer Margolin, it’s the everyday moments, the ones not often celebrated, that she believes calls for a bigger piece of the gift-giving pie. She's is on a mission to remove the stress, time and hassle associated with sending beautiful flowers + gifts.

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Is Rewards-Based Crowdfunding Right For Your Business?

This is easily the most commonly asked question we receive and it is often the topic of conversation for our first consultation meeting with potential campaigners. And while it is a good question to ask it, the answer usually relies on a few other factors. The most important being...

Top 11 Tools From Our Crowdfunding Success Manual

Crowdfunding is not an easy task. It takes planning, preparation, a solid team and plenty of motivation. This is all a lot easier with a good platform and the right tools. These tools will help you work smarter and more efficiently when it comes to building your community.  

2018 Trends in Female Entrepreneurship

Growth in Networks, Role Models, Resources to Contribute to Increased Opportunities For Women Entrepreneurs. We are so excited not only by the growth in 2017 but also by the opportunities and trends we expect to see in 2018.

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Why Crowdfund a Social Enterprise?

Because you can change a life and empower a community for generations.  If you’re a long time Next Chapter community member, you may remember one crowdfunding campaign in particular. One which had great impact on a particular community.

Think Mission and Vision Statements Are Overrated? Not If You Want To Grow

Writing down your mission and vision is the best thing you can do for your business. Why? Because you’re not investing your blood, sweat, and tears to simply sell products to customers. You’ve got a bigger picture in mind.

Pros and Cons of Being A Sole Founder

We see a lot of female founders choosing to go it alone. Why? Well, we haven't done enough research yet. However, speaking from personal experience of being a sole founder I'd like to share my thoughts on the positives and negatives of taking on the entrepreneurial journey alone.

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